Homemade Peanut Butter Greek Frozen Yogurt

7:00 AM

Imagine this all too common scenario in our household, if you will. I had a half container of almost-expired Greek yogurt in the fridge, a psychotic craving for something sweet, time working against me, and a broken oven. Cookies were out. Cakes take too long and are messy. I get annoyed that we don't have any popsicles left. All I want is some ice creeeaaammm, geez. Then bing...peanut butter fro yo to the rescue! A full 20 minutes later, John and I were eating a tangy, creamy, and protein-packed frozen yogurt drizzled with chocolate and sprinkles. A quick and easy dessert after a busy day at work.

Homemade Peanut Butter Greek Frozen Yogurt

2 cups plain Greek yogurt (I used non-fat)
1/2 cup milk of choice (I used almond milk)
Generous 1/2 cup peanut butter (or preferred nut butter)
1 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/3 cup sugar


1. The night before you make this, put your ice cream making bowl in the freezer. We keep ours in there 24/7 for emergency situations like this. ;)
2. Stir all ingredients except optional chips in a medium bowl until mixture is completely smooth, and transfer to a chilled ice cream maker.
2. Churn according to the appliance directions. If you want, now is the time to add any chocolate chips or other mix-ins into the batter.
3. Eat immediately as soft-serve, or freeze in an airtight container for a half hour if you want a firmer texture.

*Note: If you don’t have an ice cream machine, you can freeze the batter in a tupperware and stir every 1/2 hour. It will be a little lumpier, but it will still taste good!
{Photo by Kirsten Stoddard for Triple Max Tons}


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  1. This looks amazing. added to my to do list weekend!

  2. ya... i need an ice cream maker haha. this sounds so good! love anything w/ peanut butter.

  3. yumalisious!I'll give this a try!next up...gelato...


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