
Wise Words By Willie

8:16 AM

Oh Willie, you never fail to impress me. Just when I think I have you figured out (an Austin legend with a deep love of bandanas and bud who can pick and sing like no other), you go ahead and blow my mind with these gems of wisdom. I had no choice but to gussy up your words in Photoshop with the intention of plastering them on our walls as a daily reminder of the awesomeness of life, love, God, family, friends....and of course, you.

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  1. and that is why we LOVE willie so much here in ATX...tell it like it is.

  2. These are gorg, well done. Pinned them!

    1. Grazie mille, chica...glad you enjoy! Consider it my creative contribution for the day. ;)

  3. I saved all of these! So good! Thanks for sharing :-)

  4. hey Kir, those quotes are the real deal!!! super inspiring and kick ass cool at the same time. great selections from Willie. what a guy!!! ♥

  5. well said willie, and gorg posters girlie!!! thanks for sharing these uplifting words!

  6. love these wise words!! thank you for these... they are much needed right now. xo

  7. A Willie Nelson quote in PINK. Are you my Soul Sister?


Thanks for leaving a sweet little note...I love reading them triple max tons!

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