

8:39 AM

{my new fave dress I scored for $12 //  bloggers with their thrifted loot - pic taken by Jentine}
Over the epic weekend that was Texas Style Council, Sofia, Megan, Natalie, Jenna  and I (along with 90 other fab bloggers!) went on the thrifting adventure under the guidance of the always wonderful Jessie of Style & Pepper, Jentine of My Edit, Elissa from Dress With Courage, and Pamela from Market Publique. I was a textbook case of the “overwhelmed thrifter” before venturing out on this workshop. I would walk into a store, go through two racks, look up at the copious mish mash of clothing ahead of me, and decide to check out before I waded any deeper into the store. There was too much and I didn’t know where to start or have 5 hours to dedicate to maybe finding something that sorta fits and has a weird stain on it. However, the thrifting tips that came from these ladies….oh my gosh, consider my mind blown.  Before we were let loose in Savers like the pack of fashion-crazed hoodlums that we are,  Jentine, Jessie, Elissa and Pamela dropped these pearls of wisdom on us: 

Dress appropriately
Leggings, a tight tank, shoes that are easy to get in and out of…think things that aren’t going to add bulk when you trying them on without taking everything off. It makes trying on clothes a little less “eww” and more “oooh.”  

Size is only a number
Jentine really hit a note with me on this one – there are some precious finds sitting in my closet that I would have passed up based on the size, but fit like a dream.  Since thrift stores have clothes from different eras, countries, and manufacturers, size is relatively irrelevant. Give yourself an allowance of up to 2 sizes above and below the one you normally wear…and when in doubt, just try it on. Tailoring is also always an option.

Go for the “fast 5”
Jessie, I just love you for introducing this concept. The “Fast 5” are jewelry, shoes, scarves, bags, and…ummm… ahhh!!!  I forgot.  {Insert 15 minute pondering sesh} Oh!! I remember now – belts. Basically, they are the on-the-cheap accessories that you know will fit and spice up an outfit. After you hit those spots, go to your fave department – dresses, blazers, pants, etc. It really did make navigating the store a little less panic-inducing having it broken down.
Dryel is your friend
When Pamela uttered the magical five-letter word that is Dryel, the heavens opened up and said “Thou shalt not pay ridiculous prices to dry clean your amazing $10 silk dress.” Go buy this DIY dry cleaning kit…it will save you time, energy and dollah bills.

It isn’t a marathon
You don’t have to hit up every department every time. It’s ok to beeline it to the blazer rack, and get out of there. You might get that feeling of “What if I missed the diamond in the rough???” but that’s ok…there will always be a next time.

What’s the best thing you ever scored while thrifting??

PS Since I am going to call a spade a spade and admit that I am wayyy too lazy to post a recap of the epic times had at Texas Style Council, I will live vicariously though these ladies' pretty photos and recaps!

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  1. love that dress...a combo of svenska, russian and old country meets now...love it.

  2. This is such a great recap! I'm so glad thrifting was so successful for you. I heard that you scored the best out of everyone there and that makes my heart so happy! And that dress you have on is just gorgeous. I wish we had gotten a chance to talk more!

  3. your description of you entering a thrift store and being so overwhelmed is me! I get so flustered with all the clothes that I say screw it and walk out. but i definitely need to take these tips with me when I venture out to the thrift stores next! thanks!!


  4. I get so overwhelmed when I go thrifting! This little list sounds like perfect rules to go by!

  5. Sounds like sooo much fun! I wish I could have gone to that!



  6. Your thrift finds rocked. I'm dying to see you style your yachting granny outfit. :-P

  7. Thanks for the link! I kinda wish I'd gone to Savers now, but I have yet to overcome my "it smells bad in here" problem with thrifting. :(


  8. Hey Kirsten! It was so amazing to meet you at TxSCC! So excited you loved out thrifting tour & tips! You definitely scored some major finds - in fact: You are the winner of the $100 gift certificate to Market Publique!!!! We will email you with details!

  9. Thanks SO much for linking me! We must get together when I come back to Austin!

  10. Ok, i'm late to the comment party, but I love thrifting! Last weekend i scored a pretty sweet purse for $1.99. TWO DOLLARS! I'm still flying over that one.


Thanks for leaving a sweet little note...I love reading them triple max tons!

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