

11:09 AM

Well, the day of commercialized love is upon us......yay! Normally John and I keep it pretty low-key, making each other handmade cards and having a nice dinner at home. Who knows, we might end up going out on the town this year because Austin's restaurant scene has us totally impressed. We went to Uchi last weekend, a wowzas - it was amazing. I bet the normal 2 hour wait (!!!) will be closer to a zillion on Valentine's Day there though, so it's probably going to be a no go. Maybe we will do DIY sushi again and try to recreate the masterpieces we gorged on? Anyways, I digress from the matter at hand...without further ado, Valentine's Day presents!  

breakfast in bed...heart shaped pancakes are mandatory! 



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  1. This is the perfect gift guide! Love what you chose.

  2. Hahaha thank God you explained the curling iron, I had no idea what that was! And yes, I admit, it crossed my mind....

    1. Riiiiight?! Without that clip that holds your hair, it looked dangerously like something else!!! Trying to keep it PG-13 on here, haha!

  3. What a great idea, I cannot believe V Day is quickly approaching! I think I'll ask the hubs to get me macarons instead of flowers this year. ;0)


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