

7:00 AM

{via here}
Happy New Year's Eve, darlings! With 2010 come and gone, what were some of your most favorite memories? What is your New Year's resolution? I am (with 99% of people) pledging to get in shape this coming year.....aghhh, I hate working out so much but alas I need to get in the habit before I become as big as the Good Year blimp. Siiigh....I'm going to need each of you to hold me to it because ohhh booyyy do I loathe the gym. Anyways,  I hope you all have a fantastic time celebrating and getting that smooch at the stroke of midnight...have fun, be safe, and see you in 2011!

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  1. Love the sparkle shoes...
    Happy New Year!!

  2. Happy New Year, I hope your evening tonight it marvelous :)

    x M.

  3. HI! I'm Rebecca, your second cousin once removed. Your mother-in-law and father-in-law are here and told me about your blog... I LOVE IT!
    check out my fashion blog at:

  4. those shoes rock...glitter away the new year...

  5. it's a new year ! here's to greatness in design and style...

  6. HAPPY NEW YEAR DOLL!!!!! i wanted to head right over because i had missed the boat on wishing you much happiness and success for 2011. but omg girl... you could, would and never will be the size of a blimp; although the float-ability aspect is pretty appealing ; )

    sending you so many blessings for grandness and new memory filled treasures. all my favorite times in 20-dime involve: Sean, kittehs and friends. it's been stellar but also with the ups there were also some downs too, so happy to start anew. ♥


Thanks for leaving a sweet little note...I love reading them triple max tons!

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